Price Loans Faster with Quick Pricer
Quick Pricer
Topics: Wholesale News, Wholesale Program Updates, National Correspondent News, Mini-Correspondent News, Mini-Correspondent Program Updates
Introducing RefiNow
Expand Your Borrowers’ Refi Options
Topics: Wholesale News, Wholesale Program Updates, National Correspondent News, Mini-Correspondent News, National Correspondent Program Updates, Mini-Correspondent Program Updates
Wholesale Reverse Jumbo Improvements
Better Interest Rates and Principal Limit Factors
Topics: Wholesale News, Wholesale Program Updates, National Correspondent News, Mini-Correspondent News, Mini-Correspondent Program Updates
Jumbo AUS LLPA Improvement
Effective for all Jumbo AUS locks taken on or after Wednesday, June 2, 2021, Plaza Home Mortgage® has improved the investment property LLPA between .750 – 1.000 and the adjustment for LTV > 80% has increased by .250.
Topics: Wholesale News, Wholesale Program Updates, National Correspondent News, Mini-Correspondent News, National Correspondent Program Updates, Mini-Correspondent Program Updates
Get a Boost with Correspondent Renovation Lending
Tight inventory and rising home prices are forcing many homebuyers to consider “fixer-uppers” and simultaneously buy and renovate. As the number of home purchases using renovation loans increases, so does your pipeline. That’s where we come in to help make it easy for you to capture more business in this growing lending segment.
Topics: National Correspondent News, Correspondent Certified Loan Program, National Correspondent Program Updates
Plaza's June Training Calendar is Available!
Our full training calendar for the month of June is now available. Please follow the link to see a complete list of all of our upcoming training courses. As always, all of our trainings are complimentary and once you register, even if you miss the training, you will receive an email link to the training to view at your convenience.
Topics: Plaza at a Glance, Plaza Training
USDA 1003 Update
Beginning June 1, 2021, USDA will require the redesigned Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) (Fannie Mae Form 1003/Freddie Mac Form 65, effective date 1/2021) for all new loan submissions. All SFHGLP Loan requests utilizing the old URLA version must be submitted to Rural Development prior to June 1, 2021.
Loans in the pipeline that have already received Conditional Comment for SFR Guarantee Approval will not be affected. Loans in the pipeline not submitted for Conditional Comment for SFR Guarantee Approval, using the new 1003 will not be affected.
Topics: Wholesale News, Wholesale Program Updates, National Correspondent News, Mini-Correspondent News, National Correspondent Program Updates, Mini-Correspondent Program Updates
[National Correspondent] Plaza's FHA and VA FICOs Go Even Lower
FHA and VA FICOs Go Even Lower + More FHA, VA and Jumbo AUS News
Topics: National Correspondent News, National Correspondent Program Updates
[Wholesale] Plaza's FHA and VA FICOs Go Even Lower
FHA and VA FICOs Go Even Lower + More FHA, VA and Jumbo AUS News
Topics: Wholesale News, Wholesale Program Updates, Mini-Correspondent News, Mini-Correspondent Program Updates
Jumbo AUS – Plaza’s Next BIG Thing
Big things are happening at Plaza Home Mortgage® so sit back, relax and enjoy an easier way to do Jumbo loans with our new Jumbo AUS program. Documentation for traditional Jumbo loans and the requirements of Appendix Q can be daunting but by utilizing the resources provided by Plaza’s Jumbo AUS program, you’ll be able to streamline these larger loans more efficiently.
Topics: Wholesale News, Wholesale Program Updates, National Correspondent News, Mini-Correspondent News, National Correspondent Program Updates, Mini-Correspondent Program Updates